Articles with tag "things-to-eat-in-taipei"


Posing besides xiao long bao, stinky tofu and shaved ice, beef noodle (牛肉麵, read: niú ròu miàn) is popular all-around the globe as Taiwan’s iconic food. What makes this noodle so special?

Ireland’s Potato

Do you guys know what in this world that can’t be joked? Please gimme 2 answers! Alright, I believe some of you can make a good guess for the first answer: “Marriage”. You got it right? Great :). How about the second answer? This is a tricky one though ;P.

Ice Monster

It was an accidental encounter we could probably say. Previously, we (actually I, but anyway I would have dragged my partner as well so..) roamed around Yong Kang area to kind of trying to look for the famous Ice Monster stall one day, but it was nowhere to be found.

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